Installing Mac OS on PC
Which versions of OS X can be written to a flash drive using these instructions: Tested with Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra....
Creating a bootable USB flash drive (easy method) Favorites Creating a bootable windows xp flash drive for a netbook
This article does not cover working with the Windows XP installer. Three installation methods will be discussed here...
Installing Mac OS X Yosemite on a PC from Windows
Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to install an operating system from scratch. If you have...
Installing Windows XP - installation process via BIOS Reinstalling windows xp from disk via BIOS
Greetings to our dear readers. Today, our computer portal has prepared for you another...
How to reinstall Windows: step-by-step instructions
If you have reached this page, it means you have decided to reinstall Windows 7 and need help with...
Size of Windows operating system of different versions
One of the national characteristics of Runet users is the tendency to allocate a small section...
Solution to the error “Windows cannot be installed on this disk... Why the system will not install on the computer
In order to start working on a computer, you need to immediately install an operating system on it. Algorithm...
Troubleshooting Windows Update errors
When updating the operating system, various types of problems may arise related to the Update Center...
How to unlock a Windows laptop if you forgot your password Download the Windows 7 password recovery program
Our forgetfulness often plays various unpleasant jokes on us. Forgot your password for a program or...
How to reinstall Windows
While using Windows OS on a computer, the user installs various programs, operates...
System rollback and recovery How to roll back windows xp to factory settings
In case of failures and errors, to return the operating system to its previous state, Windows XP has a built-in...
Methods for cleaning the registry in Windows What are the methods for cleaning the registry?
Just like a car engine needs an oil change, an apartment needs cleaning, clothes need to be washed, an operating room...
Turn Windows Test Mode On or Off
Found it on your computer and don’t know how to remove the “Test mode build...” message on Windows? With this...
What to do if you forgot your computer login password
Today we will look at a situation that many people have already encountered and/or may still encounter...
How to hack and reset Windows login password
admin 2013-10-08 A simple way to access a computer with Windows 7 (8) to reset the admin password. To...