Windows 10
How to reinstall Windows: step-by-step instructions
If you have reached this page, it means you have decided to reinstall Windows 7 and need help with...
Size of Windows operating system of different versions
One of the national characteristics of Runet users is the tendency to allocate a small section...
How to properly configure Windows XP after installation
Time does not stand still, but technology is developing, perhaps, even faster! The Windows operating system does not...
What to do if the iTunes Store doesn't work
If iTunes doesn’t start for you, then don’t panic. This is a common problem that occurs...
Set a password on your computer
If there is a question about whether or not to install protection on your computer, then the answer should be obvious. To whom...
How to unlock a Windows laptop if you forgot your password Download the Windows 7 password recovery program
Our forgetfulness often plays various unpleasant jokes on us. Forgot your password for a program or...
What if installing Windows on this disk is impossible?
Every user sooner or later faces the need to install an operating system. There is a myth...
What are the most necessary programs for a computer?
Hello! Here I will post the most useful programs for the Windows 7, 8, 10 computer, which...
How to reinstall Windows
While using Windows OS on a computer, the user installs various programs, operates...
Computer Management Console
Sometimes you need to delete a user account, also known as a user profile, also known as an account. In my...
How to fix MSVCP120 dll error - Solution
Dynamic library msvcp120.dll The msvcp120 file with the dll extension is an integral part...
Turn Windows Test Mode On or Off
Found it on your computer and don’t know how to remove the “Test mode build...” message on Windows? With this...
Transferring user folders Transferring a Windows 7 account
When creating a new user in Windows, the system allocates special folders for saving various...
How to check a hard drive for errors and bad sectors (bad blocks)
    In the simplest case, to check something created independently, or downloaded from any...
Remotely editing the registry of another computer
To view the registry of a remote computer, you can use Registry Editor, similar to how you...